Tea and Consent

If you’re still struggling with consent just imagine instead of initiating sex you’re making them a cup of tea.

Animation courtesy of Emmeline May at rockstardinosaurpirateprincess.com and Blue Seat Studios. Copyright © 2015 RockStarDinosaurPiratePrincess and Blue Seat Studios. Images are Copyright ©2015 Blue Seat Studios

After explaining basic consent (“Oh my God, I would love a cup of tea!”), this video dives headfirst into less evident territory. In less than three minutes, it explores a multitude of scenarios where consent gets blurry, from simple (your guest did want tea, but changed his or her mind once you put the kettle on) to less so (your guest isn’t really sure how to feel about tea right now).

“If you say ‘Hey, would you like a cup of tea?’ and they’re like, ‘Uh, you know, I’m not really sure,’ then you can make them a cup of tea, or not, but be aware that that they might not drink it,” the narrator says. “And if they don’t drink it, then—and this is the important bit—don’t make them drink it. Just because you made it doesn’t mean you’re entitled to watch them drink it. And if they say, ‘No, thank you’, then don’t make them tea. At all.”

Consent is mandatory- Sex Isn’t

What is consent? How do you know if someone wants to have sex with you?

How do you read their body language and communicate with them to establish and respect each other’s boundaries?

Consent is about listening to your partner and respecting them, and we believe this video goes some way to show that.

Consent is mandatory – sex isn’t.

Video by Bogdan Hrechka in association with Trinity College Students’ Union.

Consent in the workplace

This video gives an excellent insight into consent in the workplace.. FAQs on sexual harrassment and a reality check into what is acceptable in the workplace in terms of consent.

Narrated by Donald Glover and Rashida Jones

What is consent?

What is consent? How do you know if someone wants to have sex with you? How do you read their body language and communicate with them to establish and respect each other’s boundaries? Consent is about listening to your partner and respecting them, and we believe this video goes some way to show that.

Consent is mandatory – sex isn’t.

This is a great Irish Video made  by Bogdan Hrechka in association with Trinity College Students’ Union on the subject of consent. 

It begins with consent

Consent Matters.. It begins with consent..

A wonderful message on consent from Bianca Villani . Almost everywhere you turn, we are saturated by messages that challenge the necessity of active consent. Sexual violence preventionist Bianca Villani has spent almost four years working on the ground to ensure consent education adapted from national best practices and research is available to communities in Central New Mexico. Engaging in conversations around consent is easy, fun and applicable to our daily lives.

Bianca Villani is an activist, feminist, Latina and the Director of Community Education and Outreach for the Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico. She works to push the limits of sexual violence prevention education and find new and innovative ways to talk about active consent and healthy relationships. Bianca has been participating in the anti-violence movement since 2004 and is dedicated to gender justice and racial equity. She understands sexual violence is extremely pervasive but strongly believes each of us can help prevent it and ensure future generations live free of it. Through education and community engagement she hopes to build healthy communities where our families share the value of consensual physical relationships.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organised by a local community. Learn more HERE