Attend our talks

Consent Matters Ireland offers an extensive variety of trainings, lectures and workshops on consent, tailor made for specific groups, including but not limited to: children, teens, young adults, educators, therapists, coaches, sporting organisations, state and private healthcare services, corporations and government bodies.

Book a training

Consent Matters Ireland offers an extensive variety of trainings, lectures and workshops on consent, tailor made for specific groups, including but not limited to: children, teens, young adults, educators, therapists, coaches, sporting organisations, state and private healthcare services, corporations and government bodies.

One Day Introduction to Consent-Dublin- Public Event

Friday 12th June and Saturday 13th June 2019 

Introduction to the Fundamental Principles of Consent – Email us at [email protected] for more info


Price for full workshop: 

On enquiry


You can reserve a place by sending an email with your full name, organisation, and a telephone number to us at [email protected]

Payment can be made in cash, by BACS, or Paypal. Some concessionary rates can be offered – contact us to discuss.

One day Introduction to Consent-NUIG Galway-Private event

4th June 2019


Get in touch with us to arrange your own private event/ training

Belfast 2-Day Fundamental Principles of Consent & Boundaries

A2 Portview Trade Centre, 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1HE

Introduction to the Fundamental Principles of Consent & Boundaries

Having a proper awareness of personal and professional boundaries is one of the keys to knowing what you want and what you don’t want in life.

Developing a deeper understanding of what Consent actually is and how it permeates through all our interactions and all aspects of life enhances our ability to notice when we are fully in consent and what we need to do to assert our boundaries when we are not.

This awareness allows us to find clarity in all relationships, both personal and professional, and enhances our ability to clearly communicate our needs and wants.

It also encourages us to respect the needs and wants of others by adopting a consent-based communication style in our personal and professional interactions.

More Info

This training is suitable for:
• Individuals who have a particular interest in Consent and Boundaries;
• Professionals and volunteers who work with young people, in a caring or healthcare role, in work that involves touching other people, or in the field of sexuality and relationships.

The aim of this introductory workshop is to:
• Create a deeper awareness and understanding of the principles of Consent and Boundaries;
• Apply these principles within a personal, experiential context;
• Consider how these principles can be applied within professional, care-giving, community and/or personal relationships.

Learning Outcomes
After this workshop you will have:
• A deeper and more nuanced understanding of the principles of Consent and Boundaries using the Wheel of Consent model;
• Gained a clear understanding of Consent and its implications in all relating;
• Developed clear Consent-focused communication skills;
• Increased confidence in asking for what you want in both personal and professional contexts;
• Learned why being able to say no is an empowering and highly useful skill;
• Learned how to manage being said no to, and why it’s good for you;
• Gained confidence in clearly defining boundaries, communicating them and respecting the boundaries of others in both personal and professional contexts.

What to Expect
The primary model used in this workshop is “The Wheel of Consent”, created by Betty Martin ( who is one of the foremost authorities on the subject of Consent. This model and Betty’s teachings offer a ground-breaking approach to developing a deep understanding of this subject.
The training uses an embodied approach to teaching Consent and therefore touch between participants is valued as part of the experiential learning process (generally limited to hands/arms/backs/shoulders), however it is not mandatory. You can participate in this whole training without touching or being touched by anyone. The most important element is self-awareness and being free to engage in whatever way feels right for you.

Price for full weekend workshop: £180 per person.
Payment can be made in cash, by BACS, or Paypal. Some concessionary rates can be offered – contact us to discuss.

For Further Information and to Book Your Place
Places are limited so we strongly recommend registering your interest as early as possible. You can reserve a place by sending an email with your full name, organisation, and a telephone number to Etain O’Kane at [email protected]

Price for full weekend workshop: 

£180 per person.


You can reserve a place by sending an email with your full name, organisation, and a telephone number to Etain O’Kane at [email protected]

Payment can be made in cash, by BACS, or Paypal. Some concessionary rates can be offered – contact us to discuss.

Consent – The life skill that enhances all relationships

27th April 2019

Oscailt – Integrative Healing Centre
8 Pembroke Road, Dublin, Ireland 4

Consent as a life skill hasn’t been focused on in any way within our educational systems, nor was it a real consideration in how most of us were raised. It’s time now for us to learn more about and incorporate this skill into our daily lives.

This is a one day introduction into developing a deeper understanding of the power and pleasure that comes from being in consent in all aspects of life.


Past date

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